Coming Home

I’ll be honest.  I was scared bringing home William for the first time.  It was a new experience and new person in our house that was going to stay with us for the next 18 years.  But at the same time I was very anxious to just get him home.  Ask my wife… I had the car packed and ready to go and come to find out I had to go out and get something out of the car for her because I had it packed away already.

He was asleep when he came through the door of his new home, which was expected,  but something told me that he knew where he was… until that night.

It was nerve raking the first night because we couldn’t call a nurse to help us with him or we couldn’t just send him to the nursery.   He was on a different schedule then Liz and mine.  So there were times after his feedings that he would just stay up the whole time and we couldn’t put him down unless he was crying.  After about 3am I finally just laid him on my chest and let him fall asleep and well I feel asleep too.  Even though you’re told not to let your sleeping baby sleep with you it was finally comforting that I figured out away to keep him quiet and let him sleep.

"I Am The Champion!"

You start to figure out ways to keep your baby happy very easily.  Ours likes to suck on a pacifier or a finger or just about anything.  It keeps him quiet until he needs a diaper change or needs to be fed.   So far the sucking aspect of the 5 S’s in The Happiest Baby On the Block book is right on.  We haven’t figured out if he likes to swing but we also know that he likes to lay on his side, another no no in parenting classes.  He loves the swaddle especially right away after he has eaten and is curled up right on mommies chest.

It feels like I have known this guy forever.  I look at him see how much he looks like me and just want to hold him or play with him. I can say that I really feel apart of this guys life.  It is scary that I’ve been allowed to take care of someone else’s life.

About The Rookie Dad

I am husband and father foremost. Secondly, I am a PBS producer and contribute to Traveling Dads and Dads Round Table.

Posted on November 12, 2010, in Parenting and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 91 Comments.

  1. Oh, the dimple… really cute baby. Congrats 🙂

  2. Great story and cute picture. Stories like this make me excited for the day when I bring home my first baby!!

  3. I remember that time in my son’s life like it was yesterday. I heard lots of people say this to me then and I’ll say it to you now: Enjoy this time!

    Every age is great for its own reasons, but there’s something really special about your child’s first year or so.

    Great post, looking forward to more!

  4. Aw, that’s great! What a cutie William is.

  5. Adorable! You sound like a wonderful father…. and maybe you have known little William forever. 🙂 Have fun and congratulations.

  6. This is just…lovely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts…

  7. Sounds like love at first sight to me. 🙂 Great post.

  8. It was good reading your blog, well written.

  9. Congrats! Best advice ever given? Sleep when baby sleeps. Welcome little one 🙂

  10. A lucky father and baby son 🙂

  11. Many of the families that we deal with feel the exactly same way when they meet their adopted child for the first time and bring them home. It’s scary and yet exciting, either way you know you’re going to love them the rest of their lives. Wonderful post.

  12. Hey congratulations.

    I know what you mean about being allowed to look after him, it’s like you’ve been given a really important job but with no training and someone’s going to come along and tell you you’re doing it all wrong 🙂

    It feels really weird, normally in life we have to learn stuff and work our way up, but here we are, straight in with the top Manager’s job – Dad. ( no corner office though )

    Cheshire house removals and man and van services

  13. Cute baby. It’s funny how advice changes. When I brought my now 18-year-old home, we were told to have him lay on his side. Are baby bumpers gone now, too? Congrats on getting freshly pressed.

  14. congrats on the new baby! enjoy the hectic sleepless nights, they fly by!

  15. Congratulations and welcome to the world of parenthood

  16. Looking at this from a nursing student perspective, especially one who just studied about this exact time of baby development, this is really good information to have. Thanks. It must be so hard initially.

  17. Awwww! Babies are real angels! I love them so much! Good luck to you and yours!

  18. Ah fatherhood. The first one was a little nerve-wracking, especially that first week. Newborns are often not happy about being “born”. And each child is different. Our two boys could not be more unalike in looks and behavior.

    Come early next year we’re expecting twins. A whole-nuther period of “nerve-wracking”. But we’ll get thru it. You’ll get thru your own issues… because you have to… because you want to. And for all the big and little problems, it’s worth it as you tuck them in and check on them or they bear-hug you.

    As for books on parenting; my wife read some before our first was born. Some of it is applicable, some not, most I ignore. I have found that quite often things our pediatrician would fret over was assumptive and wrong. I take most of what parenting books and pediatricians and the lot with a huge grain of salt. Every child is different. Every family and home is different.

    At two months old our oldest son was sleeping on his stomach and thru the night – contrary to what books and doctors say you “should” do. At two months old, our second child wanted to be in nothing but the swing, on high. He hated laying down. You do what works within reason.

    Congrats on the new baby. You’ll figure it out. Don’t sweat it.

  19. I felt the same way when i bought my daughter home 36yrs ago i cryed for an hour because i was afraid she would wake up and i would not know what to do, when she finaly woke i went in to mommy mode and did what was need for my beautful girl

  20. Ok, this blog is too cute. More dads need to be this excited/nervous. You are nervous because you are a great father. True Story.

  21. Embrace each wonderful moment!

  22. What a darling little boy. Congratulations to both of you. As my father used to say when I had my son, “Hold ’em high”. Enjoy while you can, they are only little once and they grow so fast. I second the advice on sleeping when baby sleeps as well.

    Congrats on being freshly pressed.

  23. How sweet! I remember those days…and nights. Enjoy – before you know it he’s be driving your car 🙂
    Congrats on being FP!

  24. Congrats! He’s so precious! Enjoy the 18 years 🙂

    and congrats on freshly pressed as well

  25. Congratulations! He’s adorable! =]

  26. Congrats on the newborn! We just brought our first baby home a few weeks ago too. In fact, she is 4 weeks old today. I have to say, after some of those middle of the night feedings when she is fussy and we want nothing more then to go back to sleep… she has also slept on daddy’s chest. So far she’s survived 🙂

  27. Congratulations!
    How wonderful that you are keeping a daddy blog of your family journey. Your blog entries will make a treasured keepsake for generations to come. My first little baby is turning 20 in just a few weeks – and my second baby will turn 18 next year. I have news for you – they may leave home, but they never leave your heart. That ‘scared parent’ feeling you have now? It never leaves either! But, your ability to keep smiling and trusting God to guide you grows exponentially along with the child. You will continually feel yourself saying “I don’t know what the Heck I’m doing!” …for the rest of your life … But, there is comfort in numbers. Someone has always gone before to pat you on the back and wink and say “It’s ok. We survived. You will, too!” 😉
    I can tell you and Liz are going to be a wonderful Daddy & Mommy to little William – and you have a grand adventure ahead!

  28. When we brought my son home the first time, I couldn’t wait to take him in the car for his first adventure after being in the hospital for 7 days… and he fell fast asleep before the car even left the parking lot! Every new experience is so special… I couldn’t wait to take him on his first small plane ride at 4 years old, and he was so scared that I gave him a chocolate chip cookie and he held it tight in his fingers until we landed and didn’t dare look out the window the entire 20 minute flight! Now he is 16 years old and the time has gone by so quick! Sometimes it gets so exhausting when they’re little and it feels like it will last forever, but it doesn’t. Enjoy every stage of his life… being a parent is the best blessing bestowed to us!

  29. Best advice—spent as much time with William as possible. They grow up so fast as we age faster.

    Embrace these moments and treasure them. In the years ahead, William will look back at the time that his father spent with him—those will be his precious memories.

    Enjoy life! The adventure lies ahead…

  30. Ah congrats! He is just adorable!
    I remember those days. One was just 4 months ago, and the other seems like forever even though it was only 3. It goes by so fast. Enjoy it!

  31. Awesome blog! Being a Daddy is without a doubt the most important job you’ll ever hold. I just wanted to say congratulations to you and your family. I wish you all the best!

  32. My baby boy is 10 months old and it feels like just yesterday I was going through this same rush of emotion. It really is amazing to bring a new life into the world. My only wish is that the feeling would last forever as it seems all too soon that it becomes familiar and we start to take it for granted. Just keep yourself grounded through those hard times and be joyous for the super cute fun times – there will be lots of both!

  33. What a cute baby ^.^ Congratulations!

  34. Great post and just enjoy everything, the sleep, the sleepless, all will be terrific memories. I slept with my child on my chest more times than I can count when it was what they needed. You’ll do what’s right because you care.

    My son is not 14…I linked to a post (when you have time) on how precious they continue to be. Every age is enjoyable and you are just starting on this fabulous journey.

    Do you know The Riddle?

  35. He is cute! My daughter is 4 months old and at first I would put her in the crib and she would allow it, the problem was the only way I could sleep is if she was in the bed with me! I still let her sleep with me…I know it is a ‘no no’ although I think a parent should do what they think is best in the situation…this works for us!

  36. Congrats on the new addition to your life. In my experience, it’s been nothing but fun! Sure there are sleepless nights and crying fits (I’m talking about the kid not the parents…) but all of that is trumped by the joy these little ones bring to us big people.

  37. so…………cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  38. It is very scary indeed. The first two months will be very difficult, but after that you’ll know what to expect. I don’t understand why you shouldn’t let your baby fall asleep in your arms, it’s just perfect.

  39. Nice guy and a sincere description from you. The simple fact that ‘It feels like I have known this guy forever’ means you are on the right track.

    Good luck!

  40. Loved reading that. That’s how I felt when I brought my kids home. You can’t wait to see them grow up and learn who they are, what their personality will be. Then you look back to that time and place when you could lay them on the floor and you could turn away for a second and they would still be there. Gone are those days for me with my 1 and 5 year old. The little one runs from me now and it’s game. Not fun when I’m late for something. Little bugger has no concept of time. At least the oldest helps catch her.

    Blessing to you and your family : )

  41. Oh and how I missed that red button when I needed the nurse. I actually reached over our first night home to press that lovely button and oh no it wasn’t there! ; )

  42. What a beautiful experience. I can recall, what seems not so long ago, but in all actuallity is over seventeen years ago, when I could lay my newborn across my lap and measure him from head to toe-his was no bigger than the distance between the two arms of the recliner. Now, he towers over my at 6′ but he’s still my baby boy.
    I wish you many healthy and happy years.

  43. Congratulation for having a cute baby :). God knows you have the ability to raise a child ^^

  44. Congratulations 🙂
    Still a long way for me, though, hehe. Have a great days!

  45. Congrats for the new baby 🙂 And am sure ur gonna be a good father .

  46. Congratulations! You are a wonderful dad and your blog is great. Connect with this blogger that I follow, I think you two will hit it off:

  47. Congrats on the new baby!
    I remember when I brought home my first child. I was absolutely terrified. Like your son, mine had no concept of time and his day and night were all mixed up. When he finally did get that straight he woke up every night for a whole year.

    You know what though…. I wouldn’t change a thing. He’s almost 20 now and is much a joy to be with today as he was back then. The only difference is he talks back! lol

    Enjoy your time with your beautiful child as you’ve been blessed in a way that only you and your wife know.

    All the best.


    • I look back at it now and wonder what our life was before him and it has been only a week! I wouldn’t change a thing either!

  48. Such a cute baby!!! Congratulations!

  49. You have Such a cute baby!!! Congratulations!

    My baby is coming next year, around March 12….

  50. How very sweet! Your son (and your wife) are very fortunate to have a father (and a husband) who is bonding so well with this new little one in your lives. Good for you for being such a hands on dad right from the start. Because these are the moments that will keep you two (three) close all your lives. Your wife will appreciate the time it will give her to rest in between feedings and such, and you will always feel special in being able to care for your son in ways that build the realtionship you have with him. I wish you all the happiness in the world while you spend time with your precious baby!

  51. What an adorable baby you have. Congratulations!

  52. What do you mean 18 Boy are you in for a surprise..

    Congrats I hope the road ahead is filled with Joy!

  53. Beautiful baby boy and beautiful post! Enjoy your new journey and congrats to you all.

  54. cute baby, congratulations! greetings ixult

  55. Awesome pics…congrats on being FP!

  56. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy. I have six kids, ages 17 months to 14 years. A lot of bad parenting advice has been published and can be picked up pretty cheaply at any bookstore. If you want great parenting advice, check out “The Baby Book” by Dr. William Sears. You’ll learn that keeping your baby close, especially at night, is the best thing in the world for you, your wife, and the wee one.

  57. I’m going to be a parent soon and found this very informative and a blessing too. Thank you!

  58. love your blog….im subscribing…as much as i would like to say that parenting is going to be an experience,it is also one of the most beautiful things in life. please continue writing. love your style.

  59. Great post! I was scared to bring my first one (also a William) home, too! I remember everyone leaving and we were alone with him for the first time and we both thought, “Good lord, they really left us alone with a baby!” ha ha

  60. Such a nice post. I’ve written something very similar too in one of my blog posts. Love to your kiddo!

  61. What a lovely post (and cute baby!). I don’t have a child myself but it’s always interesting to see how new parents learn to adapt. Maybe I’ll pick up some tips in the future.

  62. Congrats and welcome to the club. I have found out through with my own kiddos, is that a lot of the ‘parenting’ books have a lot of stuff that don’t really apply to certain kids. You just have to steer your way through the pomp and the piss…

    Again, congrats.

  63. Awwwww, that’s precious. Have no fear for fatherhood, I’m sure you will be a great parent! 🙂

  64. you’re in for a lot of wonderful moments of burps, laughter, tears, skinned knees and unfathomable questions. You wouldn’t want to miss them for the world. congratulations.

  65. Beautiful child, beautiful post! I have a 5 month old and you know what I learned? Most of the advice you get it junk. Do what works for you. My Jammin sleeps on his side (and has for some time) and slept with us a LOT in the first month so we could get some sleep. It worked out. Do what works for you. For the most part, they’re hard to break 😉 Enjoy your time with the little one!!

  66. It was a new experience and new person in our house that was going to stay with us for the next 18 years.

    first of all, congratulation! what a cute baby boy!

    here in my country (indonesia), the culture is that… it’s very normal to :
    (1) stay in your parents’ house until you get married.
    (2) and even after you get married, when you have single parent (only mom or only dad), it’ll be considered very rude if you leave your parent alone. you and your wife/husband have to accompany him/her.

    but that only happens if all of you live in the same city :mrgreen:

  67. awwwwwww so cute baby congrasulation ^_^

  68. Congratulation. Your baby boy is cute. You are documented this very well.

    Greate post

  69. 好可愛!

  70. Congratulations! You have such a lovely little angel. Parenting your own child is priceless. Enjoy your time with him.

    Do check this blog for some Parenting Articles that highlight the importance of parent involvement for the good development of bright and happy children.

  71. Few men have the guts to venture where you have, congrats! and enjoy your precious bundle of joy his really lucky having such a dotting old man for a father!

  72. that love that you feel now…. although you may not think that it can….. grows stronger and stronger every single day. It is amazing what God can do.

  73. Great news. Congrats.

  74. It’s truehow scary it is in the beginning, when I brought my daughter home, I was 35 years old and I’m thinking to myself, they let someone in their 20’s, or even teens, bring a baby home? But, I reason, their children grow up fine, so I’ll be ok. My daughter is 21 months now and she’s thriving, so I guess we’ve managed, despite our age and lack of experience. Good luck, you’ll be old hat before long!

  75. New father!!!

  76. Great post!
    Makes me look forward to the birth of my own even more than I did before!

  77. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to respond to each and every comment since being Freshly Pressed! I hope you aren’t offended since William has taken up alot of my life lately!

    I want to thank each and everyone of you who stopped by over the weekend to take a peek into my life as a father. Without the support of the readers there would be no need to continue so again I thank you!

  78. Just saw your post.
    Baby is darling.
    Don’t worry those nights,endless nights will be behind you before you know it.
    It’s all worth it. Wait till he says Daddy.
    Congrats Dad!

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