Hopes and Dreams

Dear William,

You are so young and so strong.  You are already starting to hold your head up for a little bit until you lose your strength and it wobbles back and forth as you lose your balance.  You aren’t supposed to be doing that for a while and you are only one week old! You have different cries for the different things that you need that only your mom and I can understand…. Grandma thought you needed to be fed in Target but all you needed was a diaper change and only your mom and I could tell that.  It takes a nice warm chest to sleep on to help you fall asleep and stay asleep, I don’t mind staying up with you laying there and sleeping while I watch you as you slip into dream land, until you wake yourself up with a power fart.

I wonder what your dreams are about, William.  Are you dreaming that you wish you were back inside the nice warm confines of Mommies tummy?  Do you dream about who this man is who is always holding you? Are you dreaming about a future filled with walking, talking, and playing with friends?  What are you dreams about William?

Do you know what is going on in the world, William? Do you know when Grandma is holding you? Do you know that it was raining last night?  If you don’t know… mom and dad tell you what is going on the world everyday.

I'm going to be an opera singer!

What do you want to be when you grow up, William? Are you going to fight fires or crime?  Are you going to be the next rocket scientist? Or are you going to be a comedian since you like to make funny faces and make people laugh?  No matter what you do Mommy and Daddy will be right there with you!

Mommy and Daddy love you so much William.  We want you to be the best that you can be.  But for right now we can only hope and dream of what you will become.  For right now we still get to hold you and comfort you.  It won’t be like this forever William.  We know that, so even though you can’t read this cherish, this time with your Mommy and Daddy… because we are.

Mommy and Daddy



About The Rookie Dad

I am husband and father foremost. Secondly, I am a PBS producer and contribute to Traveling Dads and Dads Round Table.

Posted on November 15, 2010, in Letters To the Kid and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. William is a lucky little boy.

  2. I read this with my 3 week old sleeping on my chest. Very well written, I’m going to blame the tears on pregnancy hormones. Can I still do that?

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